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What are the characteristics of abrasion-resistant ceramic tiles?

What are the characteristics of abrasion-resistant ceramic tiles?

Abrasion-resistant ceramic tiles are widely used in many projects, in the pit furnace is also built with a wear-resistant ceramic tiles, wear-resistant ceramic tiles not only to fire resistance, high temperature requirements, but also to wear requirements, Introduce the impact of wear-resistant ceramic tile wear-resistant factors which have!

Abrasion resistance of abrasion-resistant ceramic tiles depends on the composition and structure of wear-resistant ceramic tiles. When the abrasion-resistant ceramic tiles are composed of dense polycrystals composed of single crystals, the wear resistance depends on the hardness of the mineral crystals. High hardness, high wear resistance of the material. When the mineral crystals are non-isotropic, the grain size is small and the wear resistance of the material is high. When the material from the multi-phase composition, the wear resistance of the material with the bulk density or porosity has a direct relationship, but also with the binding strength between the various components. Therefore, at a room temperature of a certain wear-resistant ceramic tiles in terms of its wear resistance is proportional to its compressive strength, sintering good wear-resistant ceramic tiles wear resistance is also good.

Abrasion-resistant ceramic tiles and the wear resistance of the temperature, and some wear-resistant ceramic tiles such as high-alumina brick, it is generally believed that it at a certain temperature (such as in 700 ~ 900 ℃ below the elastic range), the higher the temperature wear resistance The lower the temperature, the higher the elastic modulus of wear-resisting ceramic tile, the lower the wear resistance. When the temperature rises to reach the maximum value of the elastic modulus, with the decrease of elastic modulus, but the wear resistance has increased. Such as clay brick in 1200 ~ 1350 ℃, the wear resistance is even better than those at room temperature. When the temperature is further increased, up to 1400 ℃ or more due to refractory products in the liquid viscosity decreased dramatically, the wear resistance decreases. Some wear-resistant ceramic tiles such as wear-resistant ceramic tiles containing chrome, with increasing temperature, increased wear resistance.

Abrasion-resistant ceramic tiles composition and structure, and temperature will affect its wear resistance, so the company hopes to produce wear-resistant ceramic tile manufacturers can pay more attention to the above factors, thus creating wear-resistant ceramic tiles wear Sex will be more excellent!

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